The purpose of this blog is to provide information and tools the readers can use to enhance their own spiritual journey or to share with others. Most Christians have family and friends we have prayed for over many years. We’re not sure how to bring up religion or share the gospel with them. Recently I wrote a letter to unbelieving loved ones and thought I would share it with you. Feel free to use it or modify it to reach out to unbelievers in your life.
Dear …… ,
I realize we have different views on religion, but I care for you too much not to warn you about the danger I believe you are heading for. This letter will be the last time that I mention it unless you bring it up.
When we read in the Genesis account of how God created the universe, the earth, and all life on earth, there is something different about people. God uniquely created mankind “in His own image”. He does not say this about angels or any other creature that He created. I believe that’s because He wants to have a personal relationship with people. He also decided to give them a free will; each person can choose to worship God and live according to His principles or reject God and pursue his own desires for pleasure, wealth, and power. He also decided to make people immortal. From the moment of conception, every person will live forever.
The sad fact is that all of us have sinned against God – either through active rebellion against His standards or passive indifference to Him. We know our thoughts, words, and actions are often self-centered and not pleasing or obedient to God. The Bible calls this sin. God is holy and cannot allow sin in His presence. God is also just, and sin must be punished; it cannot be overlooked or cancelled out by doing good deeds. So the reality is: our sin has separated us from God. If we die in this condition, we will be separated from Him forever and spend eternity in hell.
Because of His love for us, God provided a way for our sins to be paid for, so we can live forever in heaven with Him. Because Jesus lived a sinless life, His death on the cross can pay the death penalty for our sins. However, it is not automatic. It is not enough to just intellectually acknowledge the reality of Christ and understand the claims of the Gospel. Each of us must personally repent of our sins, accept Jesus’ death as payment for our sin, and receive Him as our personal Savior and Lord. God allows every person to decide whether they will spend eternity in heaven with Him or in hell with Satan. However, we must decide before we die. No matter what we have done in our lives, God’s offer of forgiveness through Jesus Christ is always available and sufficient.
So how do we know that all of this is true? How do we know that God is real, or that He really authored the Bible and therefore we can believe what is written in it? We know the Bible was written by 40 different authors over a span of 1500+ years, and yet the story is consistent throughout. However, to me the most powerful verification of the Bible as God’s Word is the fulfillment of prophecy.
Approximately one-fourth of the Bible is written about prophecy. About half of those prophecies have already been fulfilled exactly as prophesied, often hundreds of years after they were written down. The other half of the prophecies are yet to be fulfilled; they are described in my book. The fact that all past prophecies were fulfilled literally is a strong indicator that the remaining prophecies will also be literally fulfilled. It is also strong evidence that the author of the Bible not only knows the future, but He is able to determine the future.
In my book I give a simple guide to explain Bible prophecies about the end of human history. The central event will be the return of Jesus to the earth to end all evil and establish His righteous kingdom. He will judge all people that ever lived, as well as Satan and his demons. The Bible describes a seven-year period prior to Jesus’ return known as the Tribulation, where Satan and his followers are allowed to rule the world. During this time there will be a one-world government that controls the global economy, the flow of information, and the activities of people all over the world. There will be a global church controlled by the government, as well as massive deception and lawlessness worldwide. Think of it as Communist China on steroids. In this world of chaos and evil, many people will come to Christ and be persecuted or martyred for their faith; then they will spend eternity in heaven with Jesus. God will also pour out 21 horrific divine judgments on the earth at that time. During that seven-year period, half the population of the world (about 4 billion people) will die.
Throughout history, during evil times of mass destruction (such as World War II) people have thought they were in the End Times. However, Israel had not been restored as a nation then, and Israel is mentioned frequently in End Times Prophecy. Since 1948, Israel has been a nation, and millions of Jews have returned to their promised land. There is nothing preventing the prophecies from being fulfilled today. In fact, the stage is being set today for the prophesied global government.
The World Economic Forum (consisting of the world’s wealthiest and most influential leaders in government, industry, technology, media, etc.) for decades has been developing strategies and technologies to establish a global government. Never before in history has there been the will or the technological capability to establish a global government with the ability to surveil and control individual activities of people all over the world. A major hindrance to the globalist movement has been the USA with its strong military, Christian heritage and values, and a population committed to individual freedom and rights, and law and order. In just two years the US has become a leaderless and weak nation overrun with illegal immigrants and drugs and a collapsing economy.
Prior to the Tribulation, Jesus will return in the clouds and snatch His followers out of the world to escape the judgments of the Tribulation. This is known as the Rapture of the Church. Millions of people all over the world will disappear in one moment of time. There is no prophetic event that has to take place before this happens. It could happen at any time now.
There is another significant prophetic event that I believe may precede the Rapture. In Ezekiel 38 & 39, it prophecies that in the last days God will bring a group of nations led by Russia and Iran against the nation of Israel. It will not be a religious war of Muslims against Jews. They will come to seize resources and power. (I describe this in Chapter 4 of my book.) Israel will not defend itself, but God Himself will destroy the invading forces by means of an earthquake, a torrential rain, and the enemy armies turning on each other. This will be undeniable evidence to the whole world that God is real and still controls human events, and He is still committed to Israel. People will also learn, in spite of a massive media attempt to censor the information, that this was prophesied 2600 years ago and was literally fulfilled exactly as prophesied. I think this will be a wake-up call and a last chance for people to accept Jesus as their Savior, go to heaven in the Rapture, and avoid the horror of the Tribulation.
So, the choice is yours. I hope that you decide to repent and accept Christ today. That will ensure that you will spend eternity in heaven and avoid the Tribulation. Remember, you must do that before you die, and none of us knows when we will die. If you decide to continue in disbelief, watch for 1) Millions of people all over the world (including me) to disappear in one moment of time, or 2) A group of nations led by Russia and Iran to invade Israel, and God Himself to destroy their armies. If either of these happen, you will know for sure that all of the Biblical prophecies are true and will take place soon. That will be the time to commit your life to Christ and read my book. It will be a survival guide during the Tribulation. You will still spend eternity in heaven with Jesus, but you may have to go through hell on earth first.
If you decide to commit your life to Christ, you can do that right now by sincerely praying this prayer:
Lord Jesus, I want to know You personally. Thank You for dying on the cross for my sins. I open the door of my life and receive You as my Savior and Lord. Thank You for forgiving me of my sins and giving me eternal life. Take control of the throne of my life. Make me the kind of person You want me to be.
One final thought: It’s easy to dismiss all of this by saying, “I don’t believe it, and I don’t want to think about it.” But that really doesn’t change anything. Something is going to happen after we die, and we really don’t know what that is. However, the God who authored the Bible and determines the future says that we will live forever either in heaven or hell. Since every one of His past prophecies have come true literally, I am trusting that the future prophecies will come true just as He has said.
Praying for you,
**** Permission is granted for the reader to reproduce any of the posts on this blog (in part or whole) for personal, non-commercial, purposes. If they are posted on a personal blog or other distribution vehicle, credit must be given to the author: Bill Freeman (