Letter To Unbelievers

The purpose of this blog is to provide information and tools the readers can use to enhance their own spiritual journey or to share with others.  Most Christians have family and friends we have prayed for over many years.  We’re not sure how to bring up religion or share the gospel with them.  Recently I wrote a letter to unbelieving loved ones and thought I would share it with you.  Feel free to use it or modify it to reach out to unbelievers in your life.

Dear …… ,

I realize we have different views on religion, but I care for you too much not to warn you about the danger I believe you are heading for.  This letter will be the last time that I mention it unless you bring it up.

When we read in the Genesis account of how God created the universe, the earth, and all life on earth, there is something different about people.  God uniquely created mankind “in His own image”.  He does not say this about angels or any other creature that He created.  I believe that’s because He wants to have a personal relationship with people.  He also decided to give them a free will; each person can choose to worship God and live according to His principles or reject God and pursue his own desires for pleasure, wealth, and power.  He also decided to make people immortal.  From the moment of conception, every person will live forever.

The sad fact is that all of us have sinned against God – either through active rebellion against His standards or passive indifference to Him.  We know our thoughts, words, and actions are often self-centered and not pleasing or obedient to God.  The Bible calls this sin.  God is holy and cannot allow sin in His presence.  God is also just, and sin must be punished; it cannot be overlooked or cancelled out by doing good deeds.  So the reality is:  our sin has separated us from God.  If we die in this condition, we will be separated from Him forever and spend eternity in hell.

Because of His love for us, God provided a way for our sins to be paid for, so we can live forever in heaven with Him.  Because Jesus lived a sinless life, His death on the cross can pay the death penalty for our sins.  However, it is not automatic.  It is not enough to just intellectually acknowledge the reality of Christ and understand the claims of the Gospel.  Each of us must personally repent of our sins, accept Jesus’ death as payment for our sin, and receive Him as our personal Savior and Lord.  God allows every person to decide whether they will spend eternity in heaven with Him or in hell with Satan.  However, we must decide before we die.  No matter what we have done in our lives, God’s offer of forgiveness through Jesus Christ is always available and sufficient.

So how do we know that all of this is true?  How do we know that God is real, or that He really authored the Bible and therefore we can believe what is written in it?  We know the Bible was written by 40 different authors over a span of 1500+ years, and yet the story is consistent throughout.  However, to me the most powerful verification of the Bible as God’s Word is the fulfillment of prophecy.

Approximately one-fourth of the Bible is written about prophecy.  About half of those prophecies have already been fulfilled exactly as prophesied, often hundreds of years after they were written down.  The other half of the prophecies are yet to be fulfilled; they are described in my book.  The fact that all past prophecies were fulfilled literally is a strong indicator that the remaining prophecies will also be literally fulfilled.  It is also strong evidence that the author of the Bible not only knows the future, but He is able to determine the future.

In my book I give a simple guide to explain Bible prophecies about the end of human history.  The central event will be the return of Jesus to the earth to end all evil and establish His righteous kingdom.  He will judge all people that ever lived, as well as Satan and his demons.  The Bible describes a seven-year period prior to Jesus’ return known as the Tribulation, where Satan and his followers are allowed to rule the world.  During this time there will be a one-world government that controls the global economy, the flow of information, and the activities of people all over the world.  There will be a global church controlled by the government, as well as massive deception and lawlessness worldwide.  Think of it as Communist China on steroids.  In this world of chaos and evil, many people will come to Christ and be persecuted or martyred for their faith; then they will spend eternity in heaven with Jesus.  God will also pour out 21 horrific divine judgments on the earth at that time.  During that seven-year period, half the population of the world (about 4 billion people) will die.

Throughout history, during evil times of mass destruction (such as World War II) people have thought they were in the End Times.  However, Israel had not been restored as a nation then, and Israel is mentioned frequently in End Times Prophecy.  Since 1948, Israel has been a nation, and millions of Jews have returned to their promised land.  There is nothing preventing the prophecies from being fulfilled today.  In fact, the stage is being set today for the prophesied global government.

The World Economic Forum (consisting of the world’s wealthiest and most influential leaders in government, industry, technology, media, etc.) for decades has been developing strategies and technologies to establish a global government.  Never before in history has there been the will or the technological capability to establish a global government with the ability to surveil and control individual activities of people all over the world.  A major hindrance to the globalist movement has been the USA with its strong military, Christian heritage and values, and a population committed to individual freedom and rights, and law and order.  In just two years the US has become a leaderless and weak nation overrun with illegal immigrants and drugs and a collapsing economy.

Prior to the Tribulation, Jesus will return in the clouds and snatch His followers out of the world to escape the judgments of the Tribulation.  This is known as the Rapture of the Church.  Millions of people all over the world will disappear in one moment of time.  There is no prophetic event that has to take place before this happens.  It could happen at any time now.

There is another significant prophetic event that I believe may precede the Rapture.  In Ezekiel 38 & 39, it prophecies that in the last days God will bring a group of nations led by Russia and Iran against the nation of Israel.  It will not be a religious war of Muslims against Jews.  They will come to seize resources and power. (I describe this in Chapter 4 of my book.)  Israel will not defend itself, but God Himself will destroy the invading forces by means of an earthquake, a torrential rain, and the enemy armies turning on each other.  This will be undeniable evidence to the whole world that God is real and still controls human events, and He is still committed to Israel.  People will also learn, in spite of a massive media attempt to censor the information, that this was prophesied 2600 years ago and was literally fulfilled exactly as prophesied.  I think this will be a wake-up call and a last chance for people to accept Jesus as their Savior, go to heaven in the Rapture, and avoid the horror of the Tribulation.

So, the choice is yours.  I hope that you decide to repent and accept Christ today.  That will ensure that you will spend eternity in heaven and avoid the Tribulation.  Remember, you must do that before you die, and none of us knows when we will die.  If you decide to continue in disbelief, watch for 1) Millions of people all over the world (including me) to disappear in one moment of time, or 2) A group of nations led by Russia and Iran to invade Israel, and God Himself to destroy their armies.  If either of these happen, you will know for sure that all of the Biblical prophecies are true and will take place soon.  That will be the time to commit your life to Christ and read my book.  It will be a survival guide during the Tribulation.  You will still spend eternity in heaven with Jesus, but you may have to go through hell on earth first.

If you decide to commit your life to Christ, you can do that right now by sincerely praying this prayer:

Lord Jesus, I want to know You personally.  Thank You for dying on the cross for my sins.  I open the door of my life and receive You as my Savior and Lord.  Thank You for forgiving me of my sins and giving me eternal life.  Take control of the throne of my life.  Make me the kind of person You want me to be.

One final thought:  It’s easy to dismiss all of this by saying, “I don’t believe it, and I don’t want to think about it.”  But that really doesn’t change anything.  Something is going to happen after we die, and we really don’t know what that is.  However, the God who authored the Bible and determines the future says that we will live forever either in heaven or hell.  Since every one of His past prophecies have come true literally, I am trusting that the future prophecies will come true just as He has said.

Praying for you,


****    Permission is granted for the reader to reproduce any of the posts on this blog (in part or whole) for personal, non-commercial, purposes.  If they are posted on a personal blog or other distribution vehicle, credit must be given to the author:  Bill Freeman (https://MillionsDisappear.com).

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Permission to Share Posts

I Hope you enjoy and are blessed by When Millions of People DisappearA Simple Guide to End Times Prophecy.  In the book I endeavor to provide the reader with:

  1.  A layman’s guide to understanding Bible prophecies, from the book of Revelation as well as other OT and NT prophecies.
  2. Insights into the heart of God that I have gained from studying prophecy.
  3. Compelling reasons for receiving Christ as one’s personal Savior and a clear understanding of how to do so.

I wrote the book for three audiences:

  1. Christians – to give them comfort and hope as the world moves rapidly into chaos, and to reassure them that God is firmly in control of all world events.
  2. Unbelievers – both those who have rejected or ignored God, and those who falsely assume they are Christians (I was one of these.) because they attend church regularly, live a relatively moral lifestyle, and minister to those in need.
  3. Those left behind after the Rapture – This will be an invaluable survival guide during the Tribulation. It’s not another “Left Behind” book, but rather a “Leave Behind” book.  I encourage Christians to leave a copy of my book in a prominent spot in their home.  Then if they are taken in the Rapture, when their unsaved friends or family come in looking for them, they will find When Millions of People Disappear ….  They will learn what just happened, what is coming next, and what they need to do.

As my wife Sandy and I have shared with many of you, our primary goal is not to sell books.  Our prayer is that God will give this book wide distribution in order to lead many people to Christ before and after the Rapture.

The purpose of the blog is to support this goal by providing information and tools the readers can use to enhance their own spiritual journey or to share with others whose spiritual condition they are concerned about.  Most Christians have family and friends we have prayed for over many years.  We’re not sure how to bring up religion or share the gospel with them.  The next blog is a letter that I wrote to unbelieving loved ones.  Feel free to use it or modify it to reach out to unbelievers in your life.


****    Permission is granted for the reader to reproduce any of the posts on this blog (in part or whole) for personal, non-commercial, purposes.  If they are posted on a personal blog or other distribution vehicle, credit must be given to the author:  Bill Freeman (https://MillionsDisappear.com).


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Assuming We Are Living in the End Times – SO WHAT?

In my last blog I explained why I believe we are living in the “End Times” and Jesus will return soon.  The logical next question is: SO WHAT?  How should that affect my life today?  That depends on which of three groups of people you fall into.

If you know for sure that you have repented of your sins and received Jesus as your Lord and Savior, then God considers you to be “righteous”.  (You may not remember the time or date, but you remember making the decision and commitment.)  You can take comfort and hope as you see the world move more into chaos as the Bible says it will.  As Jan Markell says:  “It looks like the world is falling apart, but actually it is falling into place.”  You need to pursue God, His Word, and His purpose for your life in whatever situation He has placed you.  Other things that will help you prepare for what is coming include:  1) Be an active member of a church that teaches the whole Bible, including a literal fulfillment of prophecy;  2) Develop sources of uncensored information to stay informed about world events;  3) Respectfully speak up for Biblical truth and values in your arenas of influence; and 4) Be prepared to be criticized and even persecuted for your Christian faith.

You should also have a sense of urgency and boldness about sharing the Gospel with family and friends – because your time to do so is running out.  You might send them a copy of my book and leave a copy in plain sight in your home for someone to find after you’re taken in the Rapture.  It is not another “Left Behind” book, but rather a “Leave Behind” book.  I designed it to be a survival guide for people living during the Tribulation.  Be encouraged, there is still hope for those left behind after Christ removes His Church from the earth.  Millions will come to Christ during the Tribulation.  They will literally experience hell on earth, but they will spend eternity in heaven.

The second group consists of those who believe they are Christians because they attend church regularly, live a moral lifestyle, and help those in need.  Sadly, they have been deceived and are heading for eternity in hell.  The Bible declares in many passages that the only way to be “righteous” before God is to acknowledge Jesus’ death on the cross as payment for your sins and receive Him as your Savior.  If you are in this group, the most important and urgent thing you have to do is accept Christ as your Savior.  You can find this discussed in my book in Chapter 11 or ask God to lead you to someone who will share His truth with you, but you don’t have to wait for that.  Right now, you can sincerely ask God to forgive you for all your sins, accept Jesus’ death as payment for your sins, and receive Jesus as your Savior and Lord of your life.  Having done so, you are now in the first category and should proceed as discussed above.  It would be wise to talk to someone you know to be a mature Christian to learn more about your new life in Christ.

The third group consists of those who have rejected God’s offer of salvation through Christ’s death on the cross, or have never heard of it, or decided to consider it at a later time.  If you are in this group, just know for certain that you are on a path that leads to spending eternity in torment in the lake of fire.  God allows every person to decide whether they will spend eternity in heaven with Him or in hell with Satan.  However, we must make our choice before we die.  No matter what you have done in your life, God’s offer of forgiveness through Jesus Christ is always available and sufficient.  God says that He takes no pleasure in the death of the wicked.  His desire is for all to repent and receive eternal life. (Ezekiel 18:23; 2 Peter 3:9) It’s your choice – CHOOSE WISELY.

If you decide to remain in the third group, watch for two prophetic events to occur:  1) Millions of people all over the earth disappear in one moment of time, or 2) A group of nations led by Russia and Iran invade Israel, and God Himself destroys their armies.  If either of these events happen, you will know for sure that all of the Biblical prophecies are true and will take place soon.  That will be the time to immediately repent and receive Jesus as your Savior.  That will ensure that you will spend eternity with Him in heaven, but you may experience hell on earth first.

Next blog:  Which prophetic event will likely come next?

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Do You Really Believe We’re Living in the “End Times” Today? – Yes, I Do

(Author’s note: I apologize for the length of this document, but the question is important, and the answer is extensive.)

I believe we are living in the last days prior to Jesus’ return and that events prophesied in the Bible will start very soon.  First, let’s look at what Jesus said about His return.  In Matthew 24:3 His disciples asked Him a question: “…what will be the sign of Your coming, and of the end of the Age?”  Jesus gave a direct answer: “You will be hearing of wars and rumors of wars…  For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and in various places there will be famines and earthquakes.  But all these things are merely the beginning of birth pangs.  Then they will deliver you to tribulation, and will kill you, and you will be hated by all nations because of My name. …  Many false prophets will arise and will mislead many.  Because lawlessness is increased, most people’s love will grow cold.  But the one who endures to the end, he will be saved.  This gospel of the kingdom shall be preached … as a testimony to all the nations, and then the end will come.” (Matthew 24:6-14)   In Luke 21:11 He adds plagues to this list.

I believe in these verses Jesus is describing conditions just prior to the Rapture (when He returns in the clouds to snatch His church out of the world prior to the Tribulation).  In Matthew 24:15-31 and Luke 21:25-28, Jesus describes the severe conditions of the seven-year Tribulation just prior to His second coming to earth as the King of Kings. For now, let’s consider the signs mentioned above.  He likens them to “birth pangs” which indicates they will increase in frequency and severity as His return gets closer.

Wars – The 20th Century was the bloodiest century in human history, and this is continuing. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has resulted in 200,000 military and 40,000 civilian casualties.  Putin is now threatening to use nuclear weapons.  Also, Iran now has the resources and technology to produce four nuclear weapons.

Famines – Severe food shortages occurred in 2022 because of the war in Ukraine, extreme weather conditions and fertilizer shortages all over the world, green policies and legislation, mysterious explosions and bacteria outbreaks which closed numerous food processing plants, along with diesel fuel shortages.  A global famine is very likely in 2023.

Persecution of Christians – All over the world, religious persecutions (increasingly Christian) are intensifying.  In the US there is a concerted effort by many powerful organizations and individuals to intimidate and silence Christian churches and individuals in order to drive their voices and values out of the national arena of ideas and the political process.  Once this is accomplished the persecution of Christians may increase significantly.

Lawlessness – The unchecked riots in 2020, district attorneys who do not prosecute criminals, and “Defund the Police” initiatives have contributed to increasing lawlessness.  With the open border policy of the last two years, millions of illegal immigrants (including hardened criminals) along with tons of illegal and often fatal drugs are flooding into our country.  If the anticipated global food shortage occurs in 2023, chaos and lawlessness will greatly increase as people are desperate for food.

Plagues – Covid has been a global pandemic, and others are anticipated.  In addition to the tragedy of millions dying all over the world, government leaders learned they could usurp a great deal of power and authority by declaring (and continuing) a state of emergency.  They also learned that by censuring and controlling the information available to the public, they could maintain fear and control.

Gospel Preached – The gospel has been preached to almost every tribe on the planet today and is available to every tribe via broadcasts.

So, the “signs” that Jesus enumerated are indeed present today and are increasing in frequency and intensity like birth pangs.  Of course, there have been times in the past when the world was in crisis and people thought they were living in the End Times.  Then the crisis was resolved, and times of renewal and even prosperity followed.  However, there are other things happening today, which have never existed before.

The major prophecy, that was believed to be impossible for two thousand years, was the reestablishment of the nation of Israel on the land God promised to Abraham.  Mark Twain visited the land in the 1800’s and declared it to be a worthless desert that no one would want to live on.  Then in 1948 the nation of Israel was reestablished in that exact location, and since then millions of Jews have returned to Israel from all over the world.  They have built irrigation systems and industries there.  Today Israel is a leader of nations, very prosperous and supplying natural gas and food to surrounding nations.  They are technologically and militarily very advanced.

It is also apparent that the stage is being set today for the seven-year Tribulation that occurs just prior to Jesus’ return to earth.  In my book I discuss this time of divine judgments, which the Bible describes in great detail.  It prophecies a global government ruled by a wicked man empowered by Satan.  There will also be a global economy, utilizing digital currency, and a global religious organization.  This government will maintain control using a very advanced surveillance system for monitoring the activities of all global citizens and perpetrating mass deception by censuring and controlling all information flow, public and private.

What’s happening today to set the stage?

For decades the World Economic Forum has been developing strategies and technologies to establish a global government.  The WEF includes many of the world’s wealthiest and most influential leaders in government, industry, telecommunications, media, and many other arenas.  The WEF is promoting the development of artificial intelligence, implant microchips, communication systems, supercomputers, and other technologies required to sustain a global government. They are successfully promoting the idea that the world needs a central government to ensure peace, deal with global pandemics, climate control, and other crises, and redistribute wealth and resources to underdeveloped nations.

A major hindrance to the globalist movement has been the United States with its strong military, Christian heritage and values, and a population committed to individual freedom and rights, and law and order.  Consider how this has changed in just the last two years:  Our military has been severely demoralized by focusing on critical race theory and other woke ideologies rather than combat readiness.  This, along with the vaccine mandate, has caused many career military personnel to retire or be forced out of the military.  We also do not know how many military personnel have been injured by the vaccine and are not fit for combat.

I’ve already discussed the increase in crime, disease, drugs, and people dependent on government and charities for basic living needs caused by the invasion of millions of illegal immigrants.  Also, the influence of climate change initiatives has hampered the production of fossil fuel resources, converted many power plants and automobiles to unreliable and expensive alternative sources of energy.  Our national energy grid is very vulnerable and not as reliable as it was five years ago.  At the same time our Strategic Petroleum Reserve has been reduced to the lowest level since 1984.  In two short years the US has gone from being a superpower and a force for good in the world to being a leaderless and weak nation.

Never before in history has there been the will or the technological capability to establish a global government with the ability to surveil and control individual activities of people all over the world.  That is what is prophesied to exist during the seven years prior to Jesus’ return, and very powerful people with tremendous resources are developing those technologies and promoting a global government today.

Based on the above arguments, and others that I have not presented, I am compelled to conclude:  We are indeed living in the End Times today, and Jesus will return soon.


Next blog:  Assuming we are living in the End Times today – So What?

Following blog:  Which prophetic event will likely come next?

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I have intended to write a blog relative to End Times Prophecy (ETP) for several months, and I sense that now is the time.  There are many things happening around the world today that relate to ETP, as never before in history.  Those of you who know me know that I am not a highly emotional person, or an alarmist prone to a “The sky is falling.” perspective on life.  However, as I have objectively looked at the evidence and seen the events that have occurred in the two years since I wrote When Millions of People Disappear … A Simple Guide to End Times Prophecy, I am more convinced than ever that we are living in what the Bible calls “the last days” and that the Second Coming of Jesus Christ will occur soon.

While the mainstream media is focused on other things than ETP, there are several ministries and news sources that report on events relative to ETP.  I realize that most people are focused on the responsibilities and activities of everyday life and do not have the time or interest to stay current on End Times Prophecy.  In writing this blog, I will endeavor to survey these sources and report the key events and my perspective on them relative to ETP – to serve as a “watchman on the wall” to advise you of events, trends, and judgements that are on the horizon or at the gate.

The first few blogs will cover topics like:

  • Global Food Shortage – There is a “perfect storm” of events all over the world that will produce a world-wide famine this coming year. Food will be scarce and very expensive.
  • In Chapter 4 of my book, I describe a war that was prophesied 2,600 years ago by Ezekiel. According to the prophecy, in the last days Russia, Iran, Turkey, Libya, Syria, and some other nations will attack Israel to seize power and resources.  No allies will come to help Israel, but God Himself will destroy these armies on the mountains of Israel.  In the book I said that this could occur before or after the Rapture of the Church.  Now I believe it will very likely come before the Rapture.
  • Jesus described what would be going on in the world just prior to His return. Many of these “signs” are occurring today.
  • Between the Rapture of the Church and the Second Coming of Jesus Christ to the earth, there will be seven years of tribulation and judgements. During this time there will be a world-wide government and economy ruled by the Antichrist. There will also be a global religion led by the False Prophet.  These entities are being developed and promoted today.
  • What about children who die before they are born, or die before they are old enough to believe in Christ or reject Him? … or people who do not have the mental capacity to make such a decision? Will they go to heaven?

If you have thoughts on these topics, or other topics you would like me to address in future blogs, I would love to hear from you.  Please contact me at [email protected] .

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Welcome to my new blog. 

My goal is to make each post interesting, informative, and short.  As I did with my book, I will strive to make them easy to understand and follow.  I anticipate that most of the posts will relate to Biblical prophecy, but there will be others on topics that interest my readers or me.  I welcome you to submit questions or comments to me at [email protected] . 

Over the years I have heard many friends tell me that they read the Bible regularly but never read about end times prophecy.  “There is so much symbolism and things I don’t understand in the book of Revelation that I never read it.”  Sadly, many churches do not teach about prophecy anymore, for a variety of reasons.  They are missing so much of what the Lord wants His children to know.  So, I set out to write a simple to follow guide to Biblical prophecy that explains the events that will precede and follow the second coming of Jesus Christ. 

In addition to discussing prophecies, I also share insights into the heart of God that He has revealed to me from His Word. I address such questions as: “Why would a loving God inflict such pain and suffering in the Tribulation?” 

I wrote the book for three audiences: 

  1. Christians – to help them know and understand prophecy, to give them comfort and hope as the world moves rapidly into chaos, and to reassure them that God is firmly in control of all world events. 


  1. Unbelievers – both those who have rejected or ignored God, and those who falsely assume they are Christians (I was one of these.) because they attend church regularly, live a relatively moral lifestyle, and minister to those in need. 


  1. Those who are left behind after the Rapture of the Church – This book will be an invaluable survival guide during the Tribulation.  


I hope you enjoy and are blessed by the book.  I look forward to sharing more with you in the future. 

Bill Freeman 

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