I have intended to write a blog relative to End Times Prophecy (ETP) for several months, and I sense that now is the time. There are many things happening around the world today that relate to ETP, as never before in history. Those of you who know me know that I am not a highly emotional person, or an alarmist prone to a “The sky is falling.” perspective on life. However, as I have objectively looked at the evidence and seen the events that have occurred in the two years since I wrote When Millions of People Disappear … A Simple Guide to End Times Prophecy, I am more convinced than ever that we are living in what the Bible calls “the last days” and that the Second Coming of Jesus Christ will occur soon.
While the mainstream media is focused on other things than ETP, there are several ministries and news sources that report on events relative to ETP. I realize that most people are focused on the responsibilities and activities of everyday life and do not have the time or interest to stay current on End Times Prophecy. In writing this blog, I will endeavor to survey these sources and report the key events and my perspective on them relative to ETP – to serve as a “watchman on the wall” to advise you of events, trends, and judgements that are on the horizon or at the gate.
The first few blogs will cover topics like:
- Global Food Shortage – There is a “perfect storm” of events all over the world that will produce a world-wide famine this coming year. Food will be scarce and very expensive.
- In Chapter 4 of my book, I describe a war that was prophesied 2,600 years ago by Ezekiel. According to the prophecy, in the last days Russia, Iran, Turkey, Libya, Syria, and some other nations will attack Israel to seize power and resources. No allies will come to help Israel, but God Himself will destroy these armies on the mountains of Israel. In the book I said that this could occur before or after the Rapture of the Church. Now I believe it will very likely come before the Rapture.
- Jesus described what would be going on in the world just prior to His return. Many of these “signs” are occurring today.
- Between the Rapture of the Church and the Second Coming of Jesus Christ to the earth, there will be seven years of tribulation and judgements. During this time there will be a world-wide government and economy ruled by the Antichrist. There will also be a global religion led by the False Prophet. These entities are being developed and promoted today.
- What about children who die before they are born, or die before they are old enough to believe in Christ or reject Him? … or people who do not have the mental capacity to make such a decision? Will they go to heaven?
If you have thoughts on these topics, or other topics you would like me to address in future blogs, I would love to hear from you. Please contact me at [email protected] .